Flower Arranging Tips

Flower arrangements are one of those things to always maintain in your life; vividly present.  I absolutely love the way flowers can make a room feel so complete, romantic, timeless.  Why?  Since they are gifts of nature and luckily there are so many distinct varieties to cater to all tastes (although I appreciate all of them, there are ones I love more than others, of course).  Every time I happen to enter a room with an arrangement of flowers, my eyes automatically turn to them, examining the shape, form, variety and color scheme.

5  Flower arranging tips that work every time

5  Flower arranging tips that work every time

Note that the rule for creating a flower arrangement is that there is NO RULE.  Let your creativity go wild by searching deep in the depths of your mind (you know you have it in you)… 1, 2, 3, do you have something? No? Well good thing I brought forth some ideas and tips to make your one on one time with your flowers special.  

Tip #1-  What’s your emotion? 
You want your arrangement to evoke a feeling ( be it happiness, tenderness, provocativeness, peace, liberation etc.) This is the key to your success.  By keeping a ‘feeling’ in mind you will proceed to create something that fits it thus resulting in the flowers expressing their actual "being alive” rather than appearing like mere statues.

Tip #2-  Consider the Base, Focal, Filler
I would say this is the basic recipe for creating mixed arrangements (those with several bits and pieces).  The Base, Focal & Filler.  Begin with vivid supporting flowers or greenery which would be the (Base).  Next, add in the flower you want to take the spotlight (Focal) - (using an odd number of these flowers creates the most pleasing arrangement).  Finally, finish off with a few pieces that would cover any sparse spaces or that simply add character to the entire piece (filler).  These three notes can be utilized for any arrangement, while with more materials you can create a dramatic look; opt to spare a few for a more casual one.

Source - Consider the base, focal, and filler when arranging your flowers

Source - Consider the base, focal, and filler when arranging your flowers

Tip #3-  What Colors to use?
If you happen to be a "mix & match the unexpected” fanatic like me, than you hopped onto the right train my friend.  Use the colors you like best.  That is the beauty of the creation as you are combining things that wouldn’t necessarily go together.  Hold a bunch of blooms in your hand and see what looks good <— isn’t that the goal?  Allow the “accident I am so happy I made” to happen.  This is your chance to experiment.

Source&nbsp;- Combine the flowers that look best together

Source - Combine the flowers that look best together

Tip #4-  Vary your Blooms
Different shapes and sizes are more than welcome, in fact, they are more than encouraged as it will ultimately create depth and movement to the whole picture by helping you move your eye from point A to B or finding a resting place.

Source&nbsp;- Use a variety of different blooms for your flower arrangements

Source - Use a variety of different blooms for your flower arrangements

Tip #5-  Symmetry?
Symmetry will aid in keeping the balance throughout your flower arrangement but it is definitely not required or needed.  What you do to one side does not need to be done to the other.  You can actually change things up a bit by including other blooms from side to side. 

Source - Symmetry isn't a necessity for your flower arrangements

Source - Symmetry isn't a necessity for your flower arrangements

There will be flower arrangement tutorials coming soon using the tips above as guides :)
Have a good one my dearest friends :)